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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1930 - Aerial of downtown Miami, looking west
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1930 - Aerial of downtown Miami, looking west

Downtown Miami, Florida

The Bayfront Park Bandshell is in the foreground. Henry Flagler's Royal Palm Hotel is on the left side.

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kinseeker26-Apr-2010 06:11
Dick it was Guiseppe Zangara who on Feb 15 1933 tried to shoot President-elect Roosevelt but instead hit Mayor Anton Cermack of Chicago who was standing on the running board of Roosevelts car as the Pres made some impromptu remarks in the Park. Zangara was sentenced to 80 years in Raiford Prison, but 15 days later when Cermack died he was charged with murder and sentenced to death. He served 10 day on death row and on March 20, 1933 he was executed in Florida's Electric Chair "Old Sparky."
Richard (Dick) Letaw 25-Jan-2010 18:18
At the lower left--just at the southern edge of Bayfront Park--is the bandshell where a few years later some revolutionary (I forget his name but it's easy to google) tried to whack Franklin Roosevelt but instead shot and killed Mayor Cermak of Chicago? But you knew that; it was in all the papers.
Guest 23-Apr-2009 00:54
Does anyone know when the Main Library Building was built in Bayfront Park?