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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area CARS, Car Clubs, Car Rental Agencies, Car Dealers, Drag Racing, Auto Shows, Speedways - click on image to view > 1959 - Bill of Sale for George W. Young's 1957 Corvette Fuelie
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3-SEP-1959 Courtesy of George W. Young

1959 - Bill of Sale for George W. Young's 1957 Corvette Fuelie

Miami, Florida

Insurance costs were $100 for a year for a Corvette with George W. Young, a 20-year old driver with several speeding tickets on his record. Ha! Anyone care to estimate what it would cost today for a two-year old Corvette with the same type of driver in Dade County?

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Louis 15-Oct-2007 05:31
Heck, I am 50 years old and I pay 1200 bucks a year on my 86 Vette, and that is only for Liability, haven't had a ticket since 79. I can't imagine what it would cost for one of the new ones, including collision! At 40 grand for a new vette, the insurance must be obscene.
Don Boyd04-Jun-2007 16:43
Good point Dave, those finance charges seem pretty excessive but George was probably a juvenile delinquent with no credit background? Haha. Today he'd pay 36% or more in the same situation so that 22.25% up front might be a bargain after all. Don
Dave 04-Jun-2007 11:30
Don: Not so fast! Look at the finance charges. 22.25% up front! Yikes! Admittedly, you'd have a $150,000 car today but seems the Coral Gables First Nationaal Bank knew how to make money in those days!
Tom Briggs19-Apr-2007 17:27
Don ... just think how nice it'd be to have your hands on that Corvette today ... that'd be one great $2K investment. I bought a '64 Corvette Fastback for $4K new while I was living in Augusta, GA, and still kick myself for not putting it up on blocks somewhere.