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Dan Greenberg | profile | all galleries >> Car Art, etc. (38 Galleries) >> Rusted, Relics, Abandoned Galleries (10 Galleries) >> The Webb & Company Collection 2012 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Webb & Company Collection 2012

Now in the catch up phase (12/25/12). It is best to look at all images in this gallery in original size if your monitor is big enough. The newest images are at the end.

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1937-38 DeSoto
1937-38 DeSoto
Colorful Doors & Hoods
Colorful Doors & Hoods
1959 Ford
1959 Ford
1951 Lincoln Cosmopolitan
1951 Lincoln Cosmopolitan
Open Pickup Cab
Open Pickup Cab
Probably Beyond Fixing
Probably Beyond Fixing
1947-53 Chevy Loadmaster
1947-53 Chevy Loadmaster
1956 Pontiac
1956 Pontiac
1957 Chevy
1957 Chevy
1957 Chevy
1957 Chevy
Blue Star, etc.
Blue Star, etc.
1959 Chevy El Camino
1959 Chevy El Camino
1958 Ford
1958 Ford
1951-54 Chrysler Wagon
1951-54 Chrysler Wagon
1952 Ford F5 Truck
1952 Ford F5 Truck
1956 Chrysler New Yorker
1956 Chrysler New Yorker
1956 Ford
1956 Ford
1948-50 Ford Pickup
1948-50 Ford Pickup
Ancient Dashboard
Ancient Dashboard
1948-50 Ford Truck
1948-50 Ford Truck
1940 DeSoto
1940 DeSoto
1952 Ford F5 Truck
1952 Ford F5 Truck
View Over the Fender
View Over the Fender
1956 Studebaker Champion
1956 Studebaker Champion
1948-50 Ford Pickup
1948-50 Ford Pickup
The Hub Cap Truck
The Hub Cap Truck
1939 DeSoto
1939 DeSoto
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