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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> Galleries >> flowers > UNkown jpg
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UNkown jpg

Flowers are new to me, my wife thinks its a type of columbine. Also used Helicon focus for processing.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 27-Jun-2008 00:46
Superbly done Peter..
Rich vibrant colors and I like the way your DoF affects the petals of your flower..voted
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography26-Jun-2008 19:47
Very nice close-up, fine details, colors and dof, V.
Bob Foisel26-Jun-2008 15:30
Excellent bokeh and macro. V.
Fong Lam26-Jun-2008 14:05
An excellent macro with great details, colors and focus.
CM Kwan26-Jun-2008 13:29
Beautiful and amazingly sharp, Peter! V
Guest 26-Jun-2008 12:48
Sooo perfect!!! v
Guest 26-Jun-2008 11:45
Beautiful image, Peter. Color and detail are outstanding. v
Brian McAllister26-Jun-2008 05:51
Gorgeous macro Peter. So clear and sharp with perfect natural colours.....
Tom Munson26-Jun-2008 04:52
These are outstanding, Peter. Beautiful. V
Joanne Kamo26-Jun-2008 04:20
Fabulous bloom, excellent dof, and wow to your new signature! V
Tricia26-Jun-2008 03:49
This is a beautiful image. It is a type of columbine.
Hank Vander Velde26-Jun-2008 03:24
Very nice image Peter. Can't help you with the ID though. I luv your signature and logo.
john savage26-Jun-2008 03:18
What ever you did for this shot, keep it up. Very nice work. V
Guest 26-Jun-2008 03:09
Beautiful what ever it is. vote
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