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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> Galleries >> flowers > Poppy-two.jpg
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Shot 5 pictures and used Helicon Focus to process. This is my first attempt with the program.

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January Grey16-Jun-2010 03:20
A stunning image, Peter! Gorgeous colors & incredible detail!!
dinah saluz20-Jul-2008 18:48
Beautiful colours and details !V
Bryan Murahashi12-Jul-2008 05:47
Very nice colors and depth in this capture. V
Ali Majdfar26-Jun-2008 19:03
Stunning work, excellent. GMV
Matthew Mannell26-Jun-2008 00:31
Lovely shot and huge DoF!
Guest 25-Jun-2008 23:44
Beautiful!!!! vote
john savage25-Jun-2008 21:59
Fantastic shot Peter. amazing clarity. V
Tom Munson25-Jun-2008 20:38
What ever you did, Peter. It worked. Great image. v
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik25-Jun-2008 17:12
Outstanding results Peter! Super image. L&S
QUERIDO25-Jun-2008 16:59
Beautiful shot,vote
carol j. phipps25-Jun-2008 13:22
Nature and you made a terrific composition! V
Guest 25-Jun-2008 07:54
wonderful, tacksharp, love the bg colours too Peter.
Simon Chandler25-Jun-2008 06:11
Beautiful. So sharp and colorful. v
Guest 25-Jun-2008 04:56
Great colors and super sharp..voted
coaster25-Jun-2008 04:02
Incredible colors!
Liz Bickel25-Jun-2008 03:13
What a beautiful shot! The colors and details are amazing.
Daniel Sarrazin25-Jun-2008 03:07
Beautiful light, color & details.V.
Hank Vander Velde25-Jun-2008 02:44
Beautiful sharp close-up Peter. V.
Elaine (etfitz)25-Jun-2008 01:56
Fabulous colors! The droplets are wonderful!
Peter Stubley25-Jun-2008 00:33
Great shot -- I love droplets on flowers, and this is a nice one.
CM Kwan25-Jun-2008 00:19
Excellent colours and details, Peter! V
s_barbour25-Jun-2008 00:11
Lovely capture of this delicate beauty!
Janet Forjan-Freedman25-Jun-2008 00:00
Excellent work increasing the DOF resulting in great clarity and details! Colour is spectacular!
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