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18-OCT-2006 Deborah Lewis

Witch Smile for the Thursday Challenge

I thought this was appropriate for the Thursday's Challenge "Catch a Smile"
since Scooter-Bug wants me to be a witch for Halloween.

Scooter-Bug’s entry is linked below! I love how she dipped the "Smilies"
in ketchup for the eyebrows!

Casio EX-Z850
1/100s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
1moremile20-Oct-2006 23:55
Reminds me of someone I haven't seen since my divorce.
Guy Dube20-Oct-2006 22:57
A very nice shot Deborah! Impressive portrait! Vote!
Best regards
Barbara Heide20-Oct-2006 19:43
excellent entry!
Dave Wixx20-Oct-2006 15:52
That just woken up look!!
Bob Floyd20-Oct-2006 14:15
LOL - Well done! Great to work in both "current" themes.
Cindi Smith20-Oct-2006 03:04
looks like my next door neighbor!
Sheila20-Oct-2006 02:47
Holy moly!! That made me step back, LOL!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:42
It made me really big smile Bravo. GMV
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:29
that looks like my ex-wife
chrisse19-Oct-2006 21:35
Very scary smile you caught there ;o)
Guest 19-Oct-2006 20:55
My god! :-)))))))
Guest 19-Oct-2006 20:37
Very nice.
Carole Stevens19-Oct-2006 20:23
Its like looking in the mirror great shot Debra!Great find!
laine8219-Oct-2006 20:09
Attractive lady !!
Jessica McCollum19-Oct-2006 19:55
How a Halloweenie sort of way : )
Kasia Guess19-Oct-2006 19:30
good idea
wernere0119-Oct-2006 19:06
She looks quite friendly, but wouldn´t trust her though.
beverley harrison19-Oct-2006 18:32
lol! fun!!
Jola Dziubinska19-Oct-2006 17:52
You didn't scare Jen, you don't scare me either. Nice and friendly smile :)
Bill Gallagher19-Oct-2006 16:53
What a lovely smile you have there!
royalld19-Oct-2006 16:48
LOL... she could use some of her own magic potion.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 16:42
How did she get there? I thought I had locked the door!
Wei O'Connell19-Oct-2006 16:41
What a lovely picture and smile! Great shot.
Scott Browne19-Oct-2006 14:31
Love it!
JSWaters19-Oct-2006 14:17
Make sure you don't drink the decaf, looks like a rough night!
carol j. phipps19-Oct-2006 13:40
Oh my goodness! This is terrific.
olivier bruning19-Oct-2006 13:11
what a lovely smile!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography19-Oct-2006 12:51
Superb :)))
Eckhart Derschmidt19-Oct-2006 12:49
Quite cute for a witch!
Dan Chusid19-Oct-2006 12:44
Eye-opening smile!
Yvonne19-Oct-2006 12:09
Hehe - great shot!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 12:01
this is so cute - and I love scooter's entry!
Jen Bixler19-Oct-2006 11:29
Why, Mom, you look lovely this morning!
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