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Lotus & Lily Flowers 연꽃 - Korea


~ Lotus Petal Wisdom ~
( by Venerable Beop Jeon, the Supreme Patriarch of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism )

When raindrops fill a lotus petal, the petal sways for a while together with each drop, and when the water has pooled to a certain extent, the petal pours the pure crystal-like water away without any regret or attachment.

Then when the water falls again onto the lotus leaf below, there again it wells up and rolls right on off again, emptying into the lotus pond.

Observing this spectacle with no-mind, I thought, "The lotus petal takes on only as much weight as it can hold; anything more and it empties everything out completely!"

I have been completely struck by such wisdom.

Were the lotus to instead take the water greedily, the petal would end up tearing or its stem would snap.

The principles for living in the world are exactly the same...

Lotus flowers are a common symbol often found in Buddhist sculptures and paintings. They are seen in many forms. The lotus grows from mud (representing ignorance) up to the clear sunlight (representing enlightenment).


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Pink w/Seed Pod Pink Lotus Bud White Lotus Blossom
Rare Double White Lotus Blossom Floating Happy Together
Pink Lotus w/Seed Pods & Buds Lotus Bud w/ Buddhist Pagoda Lotus Pond
Taking a Bow After the petals have fallen... Pink Lotus w/Seed Pod
New Blossom Fine Purple A Lifetime...
Burst of Purple Large Seed Pod Can't Keep Up
Pink Lotus Blossom Golden Lotus Seed Pod After the Rain
Hot Pink Lotus Nestled Determination
Life of a Lotus Blossom Pink Blossom w/Seed Pods No Turning Back Now...
Finding *up*... Sunrise Puff of Pink
Very Pink! Green Burst From Bud to Blossom
In the rain White Lotus Blossom Reaching...
Alone... Leaning... Seed Pod After Rain
Hidden From The Rain Lush Purple Pink Star
Inner Glowing Floating at the Temple Touched
Life Lines g6/18/9018/3/85129756.zoyPugd3.jpg Fallen Lotus Leaf
Puff of Petals Pink in Detail Tiny Fingers
g1/18/9018/3/117266507.WzZ68iB3.jpg Nestled g4/18/9018/3/141238388.BfhQwZYH.jpg
g2/18/9018/3/149545996.N19hMAHK.jpg The end...  or is it? Many visitors ask how to purchase prints. Here it is.  Thank you for visiting my galleries.