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The Old Fashioned Way
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27-SEP-2006 IMG_80102

September 27 2006:
The Old Fashioned Way

Pentax MX from 1979.

Cropped and Resized

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro
1/30s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
AL02-Oct-2006 08:30
So COOL! Gonna love your dof too. Can't wait to see your pictures taken in the good old-fashioned way :-)
Ric Yates01-Oct-2006 09:37
ME Super for me - sold a long time ago!
Bill Harris28-Sep-2006 12:36
I had an OM1 ;) but still got a Spotmatic.
JW28-Sep-2006 06:12
Before my time! (I wish)
Bob B.28-Sep-2006 03:24
This was my main camera for a LOT of years, probably 20+. Bought mine in 1980, a week or two before my first child was born. It was my first 35mm that was my own. I pretty much wore it out. The only thing electronic on it this camera was the light meter and mine finally died. I shot almost exclusively slide film with it. Eventually had another model body for color print and another for B&W. However, I still have it and likely always will, even though I am essentially on my third digital camera. Liked the compact size of the Pentax "M" series cameras. Nice image and nicer reminder! v
Guest 28-Sep-2006 01:04
Got my first one a few years later, but it was very close to this one! Nice angle and DOF.
Roe..27-Sep-2006 23:47
this is cool..the dof is perfect..v
Carole Stevens27-Sep-2006 23:27
Gorgeous DOF Ray beautifully taken!
Craig Persel27-Sep-2006 23:21
Nice. :-)
Guest 27-Sep-2006 23:08
OOoo that's beautiful,Ray!
Yes! Yes!! Let us see some film!!
Gail Davison27-Sep-2006 22:48
brings back happy memories.....
laine8227-Sep-2006 21:46
I'm happy we moved to digital frankly !! :>)
Robin Reid27-Sep-2006 19:58
Sob, sob... the happy memories. Well done.
Dan Chusid27-Sep-2006 19:21
You showed us yours...
...we should show you OURS!
: )
Guest 27-Sep-2006 19:10
ALMOST as cool as polaroid!

Michael Shpuntov27-Sep-2006 18:56
Beautiful Ray. Looks very antique, but intriguing and appealing.
Zak27-Sep-2006 18:46
Antiques Roadshow-tastic!
Guest 27-Sep-2006 18:38
Show us the pics! Have you posted any yet?
Faye White27-Sep-2006 17:53
:) nice!