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Claude Gagnon | all galleries >> Oiseaux du Québec >> Canards, Oies et Huard >> Harle couronné - Hooded Merganser > Harle couronné - Hooded Merganser
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Harle couronné - Hooded Merganser

Rivière-des-Milles îles, Terrebonne

Olympus Stylus SH-50
1/250s f/6.9 at 108.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)24-Dec-2014 07:42
Thanks amigo! V
Torben Jorgensen19-Dec-2014 15:21
Nice find and shot. V
jychamberland18-Dec-2014 18:45
une belle prise!
Tom Munson18-Dec-2014 16:43
Nice work. You don't often seem out of the water.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal18-Dec-2014 07:46
Great shot of this beauty. V
larose forest photos17-Dec-2014 22:23
I love to see these guys! A lovely capture. V
Hank Vander Velde17-Dec-2014 21:33
A nice back-looking image Claude.
gilles Tardif17-Dec-2014 19:18
Très belle trouvaille Doris.
Helen Betts17-Dec-2014 17:55
This is just the cutest merganser, which I always find quite intriguing, and your composition is excellent.
Pierre Martin17-Dec-2014 15:43
jolie capture!
Gerard Koehl17-Dec-2014 15:16
Belle prise. V
Jim Coffman17-Dec-2014 14:28
This is a very striking image,Doris!! Well done!!
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