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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-a-Day in May > Street Photography.
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Street Photography.

Thursday Challenge.
All three of these photographs were taken by the Ohio River in Madison;
warm weather brought lots of young people outdoors.

Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography31-May-2008 18:53
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography31-May-2008 18:52
strong and disturbing shot,out of the compo rules with soft dof trees,very interesting...
Guest 30-May-2008 21:10
all of the photos are excellent! I like the action in the basketball shots especially. :-)
Dave Hein30-May-2008 08:43
Excellent half lighting on the portrait.
Wei O'Connell30-May-2008 05:39
Well done entry! Love the light.
Denise J. Johnson30-May-2008 04:49
These are wonderful. Interesting stories told in each shot.
Dennis Hoyne30-May-2008 04:49
All very well done shots.
Russ Rose30-May-2008 01:22
nicely seen.
Linda Willets30-May-2008 00:50
great captures
mathilda williams29-May-2008 22:53
great candids, all three.
strong lines in the portrait!
Marcia Colelli29-May-2008 21:22
Nice work V
Tom Munson29-May-2008 20:30
Great light on this one, Carol. v
Jola Dziubinska29-May-2008 20:18
Good use of light and shadow.
royalld29-May-2008 19:56
Great light and shadow. Very well done.
Malcolm Smith29-May-2008 17:01
The portrait does it for me also, it's the shadows. Great shot.
Michael Shpuntov29-May-2008 16:13
Love the light here Carol
laine8229-May-2008 16:09
A great trio of the b/w choice.
Guest 29-May-2008 14:22
I like the tones on all three.
Maaike Huizer29-May-2008 12:54
Very very nice. Good use of light.
Carol Rollins29-May-2008 12:42
I like the portrait the best. So interesting with the dark shadows. Well done Carol. V
virginiacoastline29-May-2008 11:58
I like the last of the three the best
Pat Shawyer29-May-2008 07:47
Well done, great shots !
Dan Chusid29-May-2008 06:43
Looks like he's ready for the game with those high tops.
Maybe I can get into the next game too?
: )
Ann...29-May-2008 04:18
I like the use of light and shadows and the very natural pose of this young man.
Cindi Smith29-May-2008 03:20
Well shot! Love the dark shadows!
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