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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Celebrating Green > Gracie Gray!
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Gracie Gray!

Gracie has grown into her ears.

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Marisa Livet25-Aug-2012 14:10
Well captured look!
cits_4_pets15-Aug-2012 04:39
Lovely portrait in a pretty setting. Nice focus. Be a good one for Go Green, she has beautiful eyes. Excellent!!!
Karen Stuebing08-Aug-2012 21:49
She's a beauty. Love her intent look. Lovely pet portrait. V.
Graeme08-Aug-2012 20:55
What a sweet shot, Carol.BV
Guest 08-Aug-2012 18:15
Excellent! V.
Al Chesworth08-Aug-2012 17:37
What a posh pussy cat, nice pose, she must like the camera.
Chris08-Aug-2012 15:42
Such a beauty - she knows it too!
Manas Khan08-Aug-2012 14:57
Beautiful capture!
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