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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> May 2010 Challenge ~ Memories > Endings ~
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Endings ~

Was it something I said?

Not necessarily good to dwell upon; in my life
there have been a few unexplained endings.

Kodak Z650
1/320s f/3.3 at 47.7mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
lou_rozensteins27-May-2010 01:31
Your words and the image go so well together. Great!!
Jola Dziubinska26-May-2010 22:10
Brilliant interpretation, well said, Carol. V.
Barbara Heide26-May-2010 21:24
love this picture! V
LynnH26-May-2010 21:13
This is really cool. I like it! V
Kathryn26-May-2010 18:57
For us all!
J. Scott Coile26-May-2010 17:35
Tricky processing.
Carol Rollins26-May-2010 13:54
LOL. This is great Carol. ~
laine26-May-2010 13:29
Give him a moment & he'll be back :))
Mieke WA Minkjan26-May-2010 07:32
sounds a bit sad... a very impressive capture V
borisalex26-May-2010 05:20
Excellent shot and very philosophical take! V.
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