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The Creation Museum

These pictures are in random order showing what I found to be a visual feast.
The CREATION MUSEUM is located in Hebron, Kentucky on the border of Indiana.
The existence of the Creation Museum has been controversial.
It's founders and creators say the aim is to present the creation of the universe
from a biblical point of view seeing creation in 6 literal 24-hour days.
I had heard a variety of opinions about it and wanted to see it for myself.
The museum traces life beginning with the Bible and uses scientific research supportive of the Bible;
a basic premise is that animals and human beings were created on the same day,
so dinosaurs are thought to have walked the earth with humans;
when I asked about this, one guide said the premise gives credit to worldwide stories of dragons living among humans
(See biblical book of Job, chapter 41). The lighting and technology are magnificent.

Did you know that daffodils share one third (1/3) of our DNA? We share three-fourths of the same DNA with dogs.
Chimps share 98.5 percent of the same DNA as humans.
One and 1/2 percent of our DNA makes us human (National Geographic report shared at the Museum).
A highlight of my visit to the Creation Museum was the Planetarium that
wonderfully shows the most current findings on the universe of stars, planets, and galaxies.
The restaurant had great, tasty food at reasonable prices. The bookstore featured a huge dragon.

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