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CIS | all galleries >> ::TRAVELS *Near & Far*:: >> Various Places > Rural Ontario Road
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Rural Ontario Road

*Best viewed in original size*

A drive by shot along the highway as we were returning home last night, from a weekend trip.
(2 shots to make pano in moving car)

"Rural scene, a rural scene,
Sweet especial rural scene."
~ Gerard Manley Hopkins

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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j>a>e>17 :):):)07-Sep-2007 01:28
unreal magic here... & I just returned from a road trip through my ancestral Ontario & swear I passed this place on one of the rural routes I took... where is this? love it! :):):)
Martha Albuquerque15-Jul-2007 15:51
that's a lovely place.. great colors and compo, v*
Guest 18-Oct-2006 20:13
Very nice scene. vote.
laine8228-Sep-2006 18:58
Well done with the panno, Carol. Pretty scenery.
Christin Tröger26-Sep-2006 09:21
QUERIDO26-Sep-2006 06:37
very nice shot,vote
Guest 26-Sep-2006 04:48
Ah...that is a lovely scene. It's a fine time of the year(thunderstorms excepted), with the trees just thinking of turning and the fields either ripe or just harvested. John
Jay Levin26-Sep-2006 02:33
What a great "just passing by" scene. Very well done. Voted
carol j. phipps26-Sep-2006 00:54
Cindi Smith25-Sep-2006 23:46
Love the country side. Very well done and you have my vote, once again!
Sayer25-Sep-2006 21:32
From a moving car? Amazing!!
I hope you weren't driving! :)
carabias25-Sep-2006 18:44
Beautiful scene, and very natural. V.
Char25-Sep-2006 16:40
Fabulous capture for a drive by. A really interesting and well positioned scene. It was stormy here too, I guess we live under the same clouds. LOL GMV
CIS25-Sep-2006 16:13
Thanks Kathy and was a beautiful scene, glad I was able to capture it.
They seem to come up so quickly in a speeding car.
Bon...we drove right into a big storm for the rest of the way home.ugh
Bonnie 25-Sep-2006 16:10
Pastoral vision with gorgeous
lighting on the farm and barns.
That sky looks to be threatening
but sure added to the overall
beauty of this drive-by scene. ~Bon
Kathy Pedersen25-Sep-2006 15:49
How I wish I were there~ Beautuful scene and I love the red houses. So much charm! Voted