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Chris Lock | all galleries >> Greece >> The Islands > Greek Orthodox Church on Santorini
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Greek Orthodox Church on Santorini

Canon PowerShot A540
1/640s f/8.0 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Chris Spracklen10-May-2009 13:43
Fine shot of this archetypal island church, Chris. (V)
Best regards, Chris
Janet Paul24-Jan-2009 18:08
Beautiful view, so clean. This would make a good travel poster.
cits_4_pets01-Jan-2009 05:21
Love the colors, nice perspective.
Yiannis Pavlis18-Dec-2006 04:30
Simple and yet stunning, great balance of colors and light.
Extraordinary deepth and fantastic view.
Interesting warm atmosphere and superbe composition.
well captured and brilliantly presented.
tomsview16-Nov-2006 18:20
Nice shot!
Guest 16-Nov-2006 18:02
Excellent image,great job
Marco Valk16-Nov-2006 16:09
very nicely composed
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