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Rob Rosetti | all galleries >> Galleries >> Venezia (Italy) > Perspective
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03-JAN-2007 Roberto Rosetti



FujiFilm FinePix S5200 Zoom
1/680s f/3.6 at 6.3mm iso64 full exif

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godro02-Mar-2013 01:31
Nice angle and capture!
Yiannis Pavlis15-Nov-2007 14:33
A wonderful presentation .
Guest 15-Feb-2007 19:28
Stupenda ed originale prospettiva di geometrie convergenti, disallineate. Colori vivi, nel tuo stile, dettagli puliti ed gradevolmente incisi. Ottimo..!! V.
Robyco05-Feb-2007 09:44
This one is not missing in a gallerie of Venice. But in this way is great.
Perfect colors and the presentation is a real "Rosetti" (V)
Guest 31-Jan-2007 11:22
Sue Robertson31-Jan-2007 00:23
Ha! Love it. So that's what it looks like in the sunshine!
Guest 30-Jan-2007 19:00
Lines and colors ! Bravo ;)
ac30-Jan-2007 18:23
Nice perspective and strong colors.
fred_il30-Jan-2007 16:23
Guest 30-Jan-2007 16:05
Great colors and clarity!
AL30-Jan-2007 06:05
Amazing perspective, color and sharpness. Neatly cut and sliced.
shatterbug30-Jan-2007 05:18
Wonderful colors, comp, and contrast! V.
Guest 30-Jan-2007 04:35
So very cool compo and colors!
Guest 30-Jan-2007 04:16
b-w studio30-Jan-2007 01:27
Beautifully composed.
Craig Persel30-Jan-2007 00:06
Fantastic. Vote.
jude29-Jan-2007 23:25
WOW.. that tower just slices through the blue, blue sky..
ltolksdorf29-Jan-2007 21:48
The colours are great.
Barbara Heide29-Jan-2007 20:38
fantastic perspective and colourss! v
olivier bruning29-Jan-2007 20:16
superb perspective Roberto! great shot indeed, big VOTE