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Craig Persel | all galleries >> Around the World >> Mojave Desert > 14-Nov
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Mojave Desert, California

Published today in FlakPhoto
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Nikon D50
1/800s f/7.1 at 56.0mm full exif

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Dan Chusid22-Jan-2008 00:01
Oh and the poor ones outside...?
shatterbug16-Nov-2007 08:11
Lol, you can't make this stuff up ;-)
Guest 15-Nov-2007 23:01
Pure genius...what more can be said!
Guenter Eh15-Nov-2007 20:00
So - Jesus cleans the restroom and drinks 7 up after that? Can`t stop laughing! :)))
t t15-Nov-2007 18:16
JSWaters15-Nov-2007 16:33
I'm imagining this is a church and we're trusting Jesus that the facilities are clean!
Guest 15-Nov-2007 14:31
"The choice is clear!" :o! you remember that 7up ad?
I'm dating myself on that one.

Clever shot Craig!
Peg O'Brien15-Nov-2007 14:06
"Cleanliness is next to ..." How do you find these things, Craig?! Great!
Kal Khogali15-Nov-2007 10:29
Not in that restroom I won't...;-) Brilliant. K
Guest 15-Nov-2007 10:11
Congratulations,you can't loose with these three.
Guest 15-Nov-2007 08:25
Congrats for the publication. Trust us to make sure that we take care of our customers!
olivier bruning15-Nov-2007 07:06
LOL!! OK, I trust those rooms to be clean...
Martha Albuquerque15-Nov-2007 04:15
congratulations, Craig!
brilliant find!
Guest 15-Nov-2007 03:40
Roe..15-Nov-2007 03:15
lol..I get the point..yes, brilliant
Guest 15-Nov-2007 02:56
Ha!! This is such a great catch!
Guest 15-Nov-2007 02:07
Jesus says clean bathrooms...go on in. :)
Love it.
Dave Wixx15-Nov-2007 01:54
Cool find and cool shot.
For some reason I decided to anagram Make (7)Up Yours and it came back with "Up smoky urea"!!!
I think it fits the theme!
Richard Calmes15-Nov-2007 01:41
Always something to say! Well seen! V
Sue Robertson15-Nov-2007 01:40
Just makes you want to use the facilities. I love the texture on the wall.
Guest 15-Nov-2007 01:22
Amen. V
al59915-Nov-2007 01:07
"Proselytisation"! Brilliant!
Faye White15-Nov-2007 00:53
Sabine Stetson15-Nov-2007 00:26
this is so unbelievably funny....
Guest 15-Nov-2007 00:22
Congratulations! That red line makes it so decisive.
Eckhart Derschmidt15-Nov-2007 00:18
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