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Craig Persel | all galleries >> Photo-A-Day-Ish >> October 05 > RE Insurance Building
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RE Insurance Building

London, UK

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 23-Oct-2005 20:52
love those crazy lines...
Ray :)22-Oct-2005 16:56
A tangled web. And a different viewpoint of this masterpiece.
Ana Carloto O'Shea18-Oct-2005 17:25
Wonderful photo!! I love those diagonals!!! Amazing :)
Guest 17-Oct-2005 17:55
Great shot - remember it's quantity not quality that matters ;0)
Guest 17-Oct-2005 07:08
very good

Steven Jusczyk17-Oct-2005 06:40
Nice shot, great angles. I'd be lost in a second there.
Guest 17-Oct-2005 01:01
Interesting composition with all those triangles!
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