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James Ross | all galleries >> Daily Sometimes >> January 2006 > 9th January Bridge at Night
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9th January Bridge at Night

Monday the dreaded Monday!!
After a great weekend weather and all today was cold with a "Lazy" wind, one thats to lazy to go round but just goes right through.
Too busy at work today to manage to go out and get something decent so went out a 1/2 hour ago to get this my first night shot of THE Bridge.
Some views in the day time.

Canon PowerShot Pro 1
15s f/4.0 at 8.5mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dougie Young01-Mar-2006 15:58
Should have clicked here first, take another :>ote
Guest 12-Jan-2006 15:30
Please tell how to get there I must visit this site someday!
Wonderful image with lots of mood and emotion.
Guest 11-Jan-2006 22:39
Outstanding image..truly cracking!..v
Guest 11-Jan-2006 10:59
James, what a great picture! The EXIF says no flash, but surely ... there's light coming from somewhere? How many did you take to produce this one? I find it tricky to see (on the Pro1 LCD) what I've got in low ambient light.
nordic10-Jan-2006 20:54
This is a wonderful image James, congrats, I love the detail through the brige...
Bill Miller10-Jan-2006 20:33
This is neat. I have been reading about painting with flash but I have not tried it...
Bob Foisel10-Jan-2006 19:16
Very nice work for half hour.
Guest 10-Jan-2006 17:18
That's a nice one. I like the lighting.
Nicki Thurgar10-Jan-2006 11:21
Great shot, James! I like the almost sepia colour - and I see you've mastered the "horizontal" images below! ;o)
viljamix10-Jan-2006 08:01
Nicely composed & exposed. The tones are quite nice too.
Guest 10-Jan-2006 01:06
WOW is all I can say!! getting a BIG Vote
Kathy Pedersen10-Jan-2006 00:56
Stunning shot!! What a magficant bridge; wonderful colors and textures. Vote!
Guest 10-Jan-2006 00:05
Nice shot -
Michal Zaleski09-Jan-2006 23:31
wonderful picture!
northstar3709-Jan-2006 22:17
this is fabulous!
Jackdad09-Jan-2006 22:06
very interesting night shot. Is it floodlit?
SRW09-Jan-2006 21:53
Beautiful shot: the water is a perfect finishing touch!
Zak09-Jan-2006 21:40
Nice bridge! (well what's left of it heheh)
Guest 09-Jan-2006 21:25
This is a beauty; I like the composition (well cropped), but as well the soft quality of the light and the water in motion.

Guest 09-Jan-2006 21:24
James, this is a truly fabulous photo - gorgeous :-)
Jim Ross09-Jan-2006 21:16
Great shot, i cant wait to get up your neck of the woods later this year. Whole new area to explore
and take photos of... :- )
Joanne Santillo09-Jan-2006 21:01
This is cool gmv