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carabias | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gigantes de Don Quijote > DSCF6046.jpg
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Don Quijote y Sancho Panza

Sancho Panza nos despide, muy cariñoso,
ofreciéndonos un trago de vino que nos ayude
a explorar nuestro hermoso mundo.

*** FIN ***

FujiFilm FinePix X100
1/15s f/2.0 at 23.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov19-Mar-2017 11:22
Nice capture! V
Jeff Real18-Mar-2017 14:18
This is a cool shot of great interest ~V~
LynnH17-Mar-2017 21:46
Clever metal sculptures of this famous duo!
Stephanie17-Mar-2017 20:03
Adorable statues welcoming you to the hotel or restaurant! V
Buz Kiefer17-Mar-2017 19:11
Excellent ending photo. The highlights are a fine feature of this image. Vote.
Walter Otto Koenig17-Mar-2017 16:37
A glass of wine is a wonderful ending to your excellent gallery Juan. I enjoyed the journey in the land of Don Quijote. "V"
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