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Bianca Celot | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Shadows tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Volo - Flight | Dolomiti & C. | Cansiglio | Uccelli - Birds | Macro | Flora | Leaves | Drops | Shadows | Reflections | Venezia | Italia | USA | London | Maroc | Still life | Desolation | Look through | In Box


Che mai farebbe il tuo bene se non esistesse il male, e come apparirebbe la terra se vi scomparissero le ombre?

What would your good do if  evil didn't exist, and what would the earth look like if all the shadows  disappeared?

(Mikhail Bulgakov)
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g4/57/823557/3/144494853.GHye8vox.jpg Venezia - palazzo Ducale
g4/57/823557/3/144494854.XQoQuegZ.jpg Young and old people in San Marco
San Lazzaro g3/57/823557/3/96051940.Gb4KYnUV.jpg
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