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September Challenge: September in "Your" Life

I live and work in a suburban area. It appears fairly affluent
but there are many who are struggling to make ends meet.
As a result, they turn to the local Food Cupboard for assistance.
I've seen the need grow by leaps and bounds in the current economic
times and when I saw a man bicycling at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning
in 1F temps and 6" snow, I was moved to help make a difference.
The result is this cookbook. I have over 500 copies to sell (and can order more!).
The big day is the local town celebration day on Saturday, Sept. 11.
The sale of each cookbook will result in a $10 profit for the Food Cupboard.
In turn, this will be able to buy approximately $50 worth of groceries
at the regional foodbank. Pray that this will be a God-blessed activity
and raise lots of money for the those that are unable to put food on their tables.

Here are some additional photos of the cookbook... if you are truly interested, read on, otherwise, stop......

it's $20 plus shipping for 848 recipes...
no pressure but if you want to help, contact me.
I know that this borders on solicitation but
it is part of the September of "MY" Life....

Canon Powershot G11
1/30s f/2.8 at 6.1mm iso125 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time02-Sep-2010 11:06:25
ModelCanon PowerShot G11
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length6.1 mm
Exposure Time1/30 sec
ISO Equivalent125
Exposure Bias-0.67
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Program
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 06-Nov-2011 14:56
Great idea! Good work.
Leo05-Sep-2010 19:14
I had heard about this great project, now I can see the results! Good job on the book and photos.
Jola Dziubinska03-Sep-2010 23:32
Wonderful helping projest, Brenda. Good luck.
LynnH03-Sep-2010 17:52
So wonderful to see the community pulling together to help! Bless all of you!!!!
J. Scott Coile03-Sep-2010 17:44
You are an ANGEL!!! What a brilliant way to help and give back to others. I applaud your effort and cause. We are all praying for miracles these days. I have gotten to where I can barely turn on the TV anymore. Thank you!
Guest 03-Sep-2010 17:15
Great project Brenda!! I'm sure you will do great!!!
Walter Otto Koenig03-Sep-2010 16:50
Excellent that you're doing this. If more people showed compassion and were generous then no one would go hungry in this country. I will gladly purchase a book. Please let me know here to send my check and what the total is, including shipping to California. You can find my email address on my profile page. Thanks!
debbieps03-Sep-2010 15:34
Wonderful service you are providing to the needy. I will be buying one!
reflectionsofnature03-Sep-2010 13:09
I think this is the greatest thing! I wish you the best of luck selling your cookbooks on your big day next weekend.
Mieke WA Minkjan03-Sep-2010 07:59
I do recognise your hesitation...just be proud! It is a great project you are working on! A BV for that.
I'm curious of your recipes. If you can ship it to Australia I will order
Maaike Huizer03-Sep-2010 07:17
What a great project to work on. It makes a difference!!
A great series of shots too.
borisalex03-Sep-2010 05:28
Wow..I´m impressed! What a great idea! Did you make that book? I like the measurements to have on the side of the pages and I´m sure all the recipes are wonderful! If I would be in the US, I would consider to buy one! Believe me I know what you are talking about driving in snow with the bicycle.....!! BV.
Guest 03-Sep-2010 05:14
Great work, Brenda!
larose forest photos03-Sep-2010 03:45
Excellent idea and good for you.
Cindi Smith03-Sep-2010 02:36
Oh, I will pray for sure. I know the feeling of those that are in need. I know you will raise the money. I'd buy one but am on a very tight budget due to losing my job. But, prayers are free so a lot going up! Great work you are doing here. :)
Jeff Lobaugh03-Sep-2010 01:50
Looks like a wonderful cause! Hope you do very well! I know it will be appreciated.
carol j. phipps03-Sep-2010 00:27
Super project and you have my prayers!
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