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John | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lost in this World > Lost Gloom
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Lost Gloom

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slhoornstra22-Oct-2011 08:49
Stunning, ethereal, magical, that's all. ~V~
slhoornstra22-Oct-2011 08:46
Stunning, ethereal, magical, that's all. ~V~
anuschka06-Feb-2010 20:05
an nguyen23-May-2009 20:40
Fantastic ....Perspective...??? Huge V
Guest 20-Mar-2009 13:46
super, on peut s'imaginer beaucoup de chose. Vµ
Walter Otto Koenig20-Mar-2009 00:23
Nice light and great shadow play.
Stewart Mitchell19-Mar-2009 19:58
Cleverly worked abstract :)
Maaike Huizer19-Mar-2009 14:07
Very nice play with light and shadows. Makes a great abstract.
j>a>e>17 :):):)19-Mar-2009 06:51
way way WAY far~out energy flowin' & takes me tooo surrreal placezzz :):):)
17 AAAHHHvationzzz from the windy city :):):)
pr_rajan19-Mar-2009 04:01
Yvonne19-Mar-2009 01:59
Wonderful, I love the streaks of light and shade
Inga Morozoff19-Mar-2009 01:56
You've got a real knack for this style of photography!
Shower curtain? ;-)
Frank Brault19-Mar-2009 01:31
A fine abstract.
Barbara Heide19-Mar-2009 00:35
you are so good at these!
Jola Dziubinska19-Mar-2009 00:26
Interesting abstract, excellent light and form.
Wim Ensie18-Mar-2009 22:43
a real fine built abstract, beatiful.
J. Scott Coile18-Mar-2009 22:17
Fantastic light John.
Guest 18-Mar-2009 21:31
Spectacular...but I like your vision. V!