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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Poland-My Father's Land >> Babia Gora "Old Wives or Witches Mountain" > Old Wives or Witches Mountain03.jpg
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Old Wives or Witches Mountain03.jpg

Canon PowerShot S2 IS
1/50s f/3.2 at 12.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
waterfalls man07-Sep-2009 15:58
Great Shot V
cits_4_pets06-May-2009 17:12
Love the dew drops, great mist. V
Chris Thorpe12-Dec-2008 21:06
Very nicely done, wonderful mood!
Marcia Rules13-Nov-2008 13:35
very pretty, great capture ~V~
an nguyen11-Nov-2008 22:25
Like the mood of this image. V
Peter Sussex11-Nov-2008 21:58
Subtle and wonderful!
Guest 10-Nov-2008 14:50
There are forbidden places
Drenched in so much sadness
That even the trees are weeping
From their fingertips
Guest 10-Nov-2008 01:38
Well done. I've tried to photograph a park on the island of Maui at about 8,000 feet and almost all my shots were hidden in fog such as this, so I know how hard it can be, so again well done!
Pawel11-Oct-2008 21:15
Nice feeling! V
Zoltán Balogh08-Jun-2008 12:07
Really great atmosphere! V
Meta27-May-2008 20:19
Excellent image, great mood.
Jim Coffman07-May-2008 12:58
Well done!
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