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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Connemara and Connemara National Park > Connemara-The Twelve Pins
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Connemara-The Twelve Pins

This image is a composite of 30 seperate images

1/8s f/22.0 at 20.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 19-Apr-2011 21:27
Jay Levin04-Mar-2010 01:13
You demonstrated technical artistry in this beautiful panorama. Outstanding work.
Guest 03-Mar-2010 00:48
Beautiful pano! 30 images... Wow!
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)02-Mar-2010 15:44
Stunning stitch....BV!
marie-jose wolff01-Mar-2010 22:36
amazing panorama! V
Jim Coffman01-Mar-2010 14:29
Very beautiful image as always and to think it is made up of 30 images! Wow!
Hank Vander Velde01-Mar-2010 14:10
Superbly composed image Bartosz.
CM Kwan01-Mar-2010 13:37
It's amazingly beautiful! V
Randy Adams01-Mar-2010 12:27
wow...another beautiful panorama Bartosz! Excellent work! V
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak01-Mar-2010 06:58
Magnificent landscapes! ~V~
Sylvie C01-Mar-2010 03:11
Very good work! Well done!
Guest 01-Mar-2010 02:03
Absolutely beautiful. Excellent work. BV
Michel Jasmin28-Feb-2010 23:56
Well done
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad28-Feb-2010 23:55
Lovely image! v
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