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Bart Aldrich

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Jean-Claude Billonneau12-Jan-2022 10:59
Remarquable instantané. V.
May Chinnakulchorn 24-Apr-2020 10:21
Great capture and best shot!
May Chinnakulchorn 24-Apr-2020 10:21
Great capture,best shot
GeneWard24-Mar-2017 22:48
Great timing, a wonderful image. VVV
Guest 13-Feb-2015 00:38
are you kidding me ? this is too good
Jihad Jean Chahine21-Sep-2013 04:16
Marvelous! Great Catch.
Robert Charity04-Sep-2013 00:24
wow, fantastic capture,
Chun Lo06-Nov-2012 11:10
Excellent shot. Wish I had the chance to capture an image like this.
Wilfred Seefeld28-Oct-2012 15:23
I'm in awe! BV
settler19-Sep-2012 20:18
Anitta19-Sep-2012 18:30
Amazing! Just love it! Wow! V
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad19-Sep-2012 16:31
Beautiful shot! Great timing. V
J Ponces19-Sep-2012 16:05
Fabulous, even without the reflection!
danad19-Sep-2012 15:28
Whao ! This is so wonderful. No words can describe. BV
Jola Dziubinska19-Sep-2012 15:28
Gorgeous photo, perfect timing and composition. V.
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