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Arjun Roychowdhury | all galleries >> theme >> My Favorites > San Francisco by Night
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Arjun Roychowdhury

San Francisco by Night

The view of San Francisco by night.
Here the objective was to expose the color of the water in addition to getting a correct
exposure of the lights.

Tech details:
3 frames, 3 each for noise, 2 exposures each (3*3*2) or 18 shots in total.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jennifer Macek 13-Nov-2005 02:55
Can I buy a copy of this print? If so, could you advise on the price(s) for sizes? This would be a perfect Xmas present for a friend of mine who comes to SF from Vienna every year. He loves this city!
Leo Charette24-Jun-2004 12:31
Excellent composition and exposure. -- LC
Guest 17-Jun-2004 05:03
As a SAn Francisco girl, I have to say, this is a FANTASTIC shot of the bridge and skyline!!