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aliusvetus | all galleries >> Galleries >> anonymous_encounters > Irresistible Attraction
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Irresistible Attraction

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Alexander30-Aug-2010 13:27
what an extraordinary photo. Mysterious indeed (my 7 year old, looking over my shoulder, said to me very quickly "who's getting married who's dead?", which sums it up well I'd say). V
Guest 30-May-2007 10:11
This is compelling, I am not going to delve deeply - this needs to remain a mystery...
Guest 11-Nov-2006 18:53
Parece uma noiva perdida entre as rochas... e' uma ideia engracada :)
...duncan06-Nov-2006 04:48
Odd photo, I can't see the subject very well. I tend to like to see a bigger view in print. It almost looks like a skeleton dressed up in a gown. The shadow works well, almost like a stalker.