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Green Anole

Huntington Beach S.P.

That lizard was easy to spot on the rocks. Green Anole was busy with hunting for some fly and didn’t pay any attention to me.

Canon EOS 40D
1/1600s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
goelsamuel31-May-2012 15:23
Lovely color and detail! V!
william mahan26-Jul-2010 12:23

I have a whole family of these cute little lizards on my patio which I photo from time to time.....Very nice capture/angle!!
Andre Fontaine23-Sep-2008 02:21
Very nice perspective and composition, nice green tones. v
Marco Valk24-Aug-2008 10:03
excellent detail and terrific colors; gmv
Marek Wilczura05-Aug-2008 06:39
great game of colours and DOF
Guest 18-Jul-2008 19:49
Wov excelent shot
Aivar Mikko16-Jul-2008 15:47
Nice creature, excellent colors. V.
Guest 10-Jul-2008 22:10
A winner! ~V~
Yiannis Pavlis10-Jul-2008 13:43
You have excellent collection and variation of fabulous pictures.This one is a very beautiful composition.V
Gus Rosenfeld09-Jul-2008 10:12
Beautiful framing, positioning, color and detail Alina! I have the same lens and use the 400 high ISO to raise that shutter-speed to tack sharp when shooting by hand as well. A well rewarded and thoughtful effort by you Alina. g
Debbie Blackburn Beierle06-Jul-2008 02:05
Excellent and amazing shot!
Richard Calmes05-Jul-2008 01:07
Incredible image! V
patrick_c03-Jul-2008 03:26
Peter Stahl02-Jul-2008 13:48
A beautiful portrait of him. Love the dof. GMV.
Petros Labrakos02-Jul-2008 05:23
wonderful macro!
Guest 01-Jul-2008 02:14
Excellent Shot V
john savage30-Jun-2008 18:24
Beautiful tack sharp image Alina, great work. V
Sandi Whitteker30-Jun-2008 16:30
Super capture Alina! What a beauty! And all puffed up for you too.
Darbowski30-Jun-2008 09:01
Beautiful shot and colors !! V
Giancarlo Guzzardi30-Jun-2008 08:51
beautiful, with nice details and colors
Guest 30-Jun-2008 01:42
Excellent macro on this lizard. The color, detail, and depth of field are well-executed. Voted.
Guest 29-Jun-2008 17:46
Great colors and details... Excelent!
dane29-Jun-2008 14:23
such a little cutie
Guest 29-Jun-2008 12:50
another excellent shoot Alina! Bravo :))) V~!
AgnieszkaW29-Jun-2008 06:23
Fantastic shot:)) v
Guest 29-Jun-2008 02:33
Wonderful shot !!!_V_
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography29-Jun-2008 02:10
Excellent, Vote :)
Guest 29-Jun-2008 00:15
great capture!! v
CM Kwan28-Jun-2008 23:59
Amazing, Alina! Fantastic colours, composition and details! V
Jay Levin28-Jun-2008 18:34
Fantastic detail and color, Alina, and excellent DOF. Superb capture. Vote
Carol Rollins28-Jun-2008 18:02
Wow, Alina, this is a fantastic capture! Excellent work! V
jlm28-Jun-2008 17:47
Superb !!
Elaine (etfitz)28-Jun-2008 17:30
Wonderful detail and colors!
Guest 28-Jun-2008 16:15
Excellent. I heard it said many times when I was a kid that a lizard is “showing his money” when he shows his red dewlaps. I used to let green anoles bite and hang from my ears when I was a kid (little odd, I admit).
Guest 28-Jun-2008 15:04
Really great capture! V
Guest 28-Jun-2008 15:02
Smooth and delicate!
Guest 28-Jun-2008 14:36
Very stunning image, Alina. The color and detail are outstanding. v
Jola Dziubinska28-Jun-2008 13:41
Amazing colors , fantastic capture, Alina. Very nice DOF against sharp details in the lizard. V.
Guest 28-Jun-2008 13:35
He was displaying for a mate and you didn't even give him a chance
Just like a woman LOL
Great color & detail
Guest 28-Jun-2008 13:33
Interesting combination of red and green which stands out nicely against the rock and background.
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