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alexeig's Recent Galleries

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21-Jun-2011 20:27
Wild Norway
:: Wild Norway ::
07-Jan-2011 22:52
Talking people
:: Talking people ::
25-Sep-2010 20:05
Norwegian wild flowers and other beauties
:: Norwegian wild flowers and other beauties ::
02-Jul-2010 15:07
The night lights
:: The night lights ::
30-Jan-2010 00:23
:: Temporary ::
25-Oct-2009 17:24
Vive la France
:: Vive la France ::
01-Apr-2009 09:43
Opening of Venice Carnival 2009
:: Opening of Venice Carnival 2009 ::
27-Sep-2008 21:25
Bare essentials
:: Bare essentials ::
19-Jul-2007 10:00
Florentine light
:: Florentine light ::
17-Jun-2007 20:05
 One day (and more) in Milan
::  One day (and more) in Milan ::
05-May-2007 08:49
Close look
:: Close look ::
14-Apr-2007 16:35
Venice and around
:: Venice and around ::