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Ashley Hockenberry | all galleries >> Galleries >> In Box > Hockenberry_FamilyChristmas_2013.jpg
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Merry Christmas to all my Pbase friends!
Thanks for your support
Best wishes for 2014
Ashley Hockenberry

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Dara Su04-Jan-2014 09:32
Thank you Ashley. All the best to you and your family!
Guest 27-Dec-2013 16:44
A very Merry Christmas to you and yours, Ashley

anuschka26-Dec-2013 16:55
Thanks, what a nice way to send wishes, all the best to you and your family too!
Gerard Koehl25-Dec-2013 21:33
Merci pour vos voeux et Joyeux Noël à vous.
larose forest photos25-Dec-2013 21:18
A very Merry Christmas to you and yours, Ashley. I look forward to another year of your amazing photo. V
Dan Greenberg25-Dec-2013 20:54
The same to you, Ashley and family! Thanks for sending me this delightful family portrait. Stay safe and warm and may all sorts of good things come your way in 2014.
joseantonio25-Dec-2013 19:28
Merry Christmas and happy new year to you too..
Anitta25-Dec-2013 19:20
Such a lovely family portrait! Very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, Ashley! V
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