Rose Parade 2006, Pasenda |
Photo-A-Day, Jan 2006 |
Crown City Innovation trophy winner/Ivory Soap |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 14 |
Tournament Special trophy winner/American Honda Motor Company |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 04 |
Craftsman trophy winner/Disney Parks |
Salvation Army |
Donate Life |
Extraordinaire trophy winner/Trader Joe's |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 13 |
Fantasy trophy winner/Subway Restaurants 01 |
Isabella Colemay trophy winner/City of Glendale 02 |
President's trophy winner/Automobile Club 04 |
Bob Hope Humor trophy winner/City of Burbank |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 05 |
Judges' Special trophy winner/Farmers Insurance Group |
Bob Hope Humor trophy winner/City of Burbank |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 01 |
President's trophy winner/Automobile Club 01 |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 02 |
OPtimist International |
City of Hope |
University of Texas 01 |
Macy's |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 12 |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 09 |
Home Depot 02 |
Crown City Innovation trophy winner/Ivory Soap |
President's trophy winner/Automobile Club |
International trophy winner/China Airline 01 |
Princess's trophy winner/City of Palmdale 01 |
McDonald's 01 |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 03 |
National trophy winner/ESPN |
National trophy winner/ESPN 02 |
Tournament Volunteers trophy winner/City of Torrence |
Kodak |
Home Depot 01 |
Bob Hope Humor trophy winner/City of Burbank 02 |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 11 |
Queen's trophy winner/Bayer Advanced |
Princess's trophy winner/City of Palmdale |
International trophy winner/China Airline 02 |
Grand Marshal's trophy winner/NAMM 01 |
Govemor's trophy winner/City of Ontario |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 12A |
Home Depot |
Salvation Army 01 |
International trophy winner/China Airline |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 06 |
Tournament Special trophy winner/American Honda Motor Company |
Tournament Special trophy winner/American Honda Motor Company 02 |
Past Presidents trophy winner/City of Long Beach |
City of South Pasadena |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 07 |
Cal Poly University, Pomona |
Animation triphy winner/City of Cerritos |
New Mexico |
Sweepstakes trophy winner/FTD |
Crown City Innovation trophy winner/Ivory Soap 02 |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 08 |
Rotory International 02 |
President's trophy winner/Automobile Club |
City of Sanlouis |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 09A |
Animation triphy winner/City of Cerritos 02 |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 10 |
Rose Parade Float Viewing 13B |
Founders trophy winner/City of Sierra Madre |
Kodak 01 |
Lathrop K. Leishman trophy winner/City of New Port Beach |
Sweepstakes trophy winner/FTD 02 |
McDonald's |
Rebaca Float |
Animation triphy winner/City of Cerritos 01 |
University of Texas |
City of Pasadena |
Rotory International |
Govemor's trophy winner/City of Ontario 01 |
Donate Life 01 |
Rotory International 01 |
Mayor's trophy winner/City of Alhambra |
Theme trophy winner/City of La Canada Fintridge |
Sweepstakes trophy winner/FTD |
Isabella Colemay trophy winner/City of Glendale 01 |
Donate Life 03 |
USC 01 |
National trophy winner/ESPN |
Craftsman trophy winner/Disney Parks 01 |
Grand Marshal's trophy winner/NAMM |
Director's trophy winner/Kaiser Permanente |
Craftsman trophy winner/Disney Parks 02 |
City of Hope 01 |
Craftsman trophy winner/Disney Parks |