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My Lodgers

A family of squirrels have taken up residence on my property.
Foxy on Good Friday
Foxy on Good Friday
Lodger P2290001c
Lodger P2290001c
Mummy Squirrel
Mummy Squirrel
Lodger P2290002
Lodger P2290002
Decisions, Decisions
Decisions, Decisions
Dinner on a Pedestal
Dinner on a Pedestal
Child on a Pedestal
Child on a Pedestal
These Acorns are Tops
These Acorns are Tops
So many acorns, so little time
So many acorns, so little time
Who do you think you're looking at?
Who do you think you're looking at?
Under the Old English Oak
Under the Old English Oak
Looking Like the Tree
Looking Like the Tree
All Clear!
All Clear!
Acorn Guzzler
Acorn Guzzler
Nuts in the Afternoon
Nuts in the Afternoon
Nuts Before Bedtime
Nuts Before Bedtime