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Glyn Woods | profile | all galleries >> Transport >> Ships >> Fleetwood tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Humberside 2010 | Humberside 2009 | Humberside 2008 | Accidents and Mishaps | Fleetwood | Glasson Dock | Kiel Canal | Baltiyskiy | Malta | Gone - But Not Forgotten | Miscellaneous Fishing Vessels | Isle of Man Steam Packet Company | Shoreham


Once well known for its' fishing fleet, this port has now virtually died. The fishing fleet is down to a few small vessels and the last general cargo vessel sailed away in Dec 1987, in order for the main dock to be turned over to a marina and retail park. The one time very successful ro-ro service to and from Larne (and Dublin in the early years), continued until 24 Dec 2010, using the riverside ro-ro berth. The sub galleries here show a selection of vessels that used the port over the past 50 years or so.
Fishing Vessels
:: Fishing Vessels ::
:: Ro-Ro's  ::
General Cargo Vessels
:: General Cargo Vessels ::
General Dock Scenes
:: General Dock Scenes ::
Isle of Man Ferries
:: Isle of Man Ferries ::