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Ann Murdy | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
These photos represent my love of culture in Mexico. All of my photos are a part of the permanent collection at the National Museum of Mexican art in Chicago, IL. This is the largest Mexican Museum in the United States.

Since 1991 I have been traveling to Mexico to document it's beautiful and wonderful culture.

I'm also the author of the award winning and bilingual book "On the Path of Marigolds: Living Traditions of Mexico's Day of the Dead".

In 2020 it received the Gold Award with the Forward INDIES for the best multicultural book in the adult category. Also in 2020 it received an Honorable Mention as an art book with the International Latino Book Awards. This competition received submissions from Spanish speaking countries from all over the world. Then in 2021 my book received three awards with the Southwest Book Design Awards. It won best in show for a hardbound book, best art/photography book and best bilingual book. The book sold out in the fall of 2023. There won't be a second edition, however, it is still available if you do a search for it on the internet. For more info on my book please go the following link: In 2022, my book was rated as one of the five best books on Day of the Dead:

Enjoy these photos and please don't copy any of these photos as they are copyrighted.

If interested in any of my photos you can contact me at
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Indigenous Dance in Michoacan 2020 for El Año Nuevo y el Niño Jesus
:: Indigenous Dance in Michoacan 2020 for El Año Nuevo y el Niño Jesus ::
Semana Santa in Michoacán, Mexico 2022
:: Semana Santa in Michoacán, Mexico 2022 ::
El Año Nuevo en Michoacán 2023
:: El Año Nuevo en Michoacán 2023 ::
The Faces and Dances of the 2018 Guelaguetza in Oaxaca, Mexico
:: The Faces and Dances of the 2018 Guelaguetza in Oaxaca, Mexico ::
Día de los Muertos en Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca 2012
:: Día de los Muertos en Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca 2012 ::
Carnaval en Tlaxcala, Mexico 2013
:: Carnaval en Tlaxcala, Mexico 2013 ::
Noche de Animas/Animecha Kejzitkua in the communities around Lake Pátzcuaro
:: Noche de Animas/Animecha Kejzitkua in the communities around Lake Pátzcuaro ::
Todos Santos in Huaquechula, Puebla 2016
:: Todos Santos in Huaquechula, Puebla 2016 ::
La Fiesta Grande de Enero en Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas 2016
:: La Fiesta Grande de Enero en Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas 2016 ::
The Feast Day for Santiago Apóstol in Nurio and Angahuan, Michoacán
:: The Feast Day for Santiago Apóstol in Nurio and Angahuan, Michoacán ::
Indigenous Dance in Michoacán
:: Indigenous Dance in Michoacán ::
La Feria del Huipil y Café en Cuetzalan, Puebla 2013
:: La Feria del Huipil y Café en Cuetzalan, Puebla 2013 ::
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