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Rick Sostaric | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Weddings tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Highlights Photography Ltd will provide you with a comprehensive package of photographs and portraits that documents your wedding experience in its entirety:
The anticipation experienced before the ceremony
The excitement of the ceremony itself
Formal portraits after the ceremony
Pictures taken at your favorite locations around the city
Photos of your reception

Highlights Photography is committed to providing you with an individualized, comprehensive photography package of the highest quality. Select one of the following galleries below to view a sample of possibilities for creating your own personal photographic memories.

Begin planning your personal wedding memories package today! email:
Highlights is located 20 minutes East of downtown Cleveland in Lyndhurst OH easily accessible from I-271 or I-90.
Please click on a photo to open that gallery. Some galleries have galleries within them, some only images. Click to open or click to enlarge.
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