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James Mason | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sarajevo, 1992 and 1993 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sarajevo, 1992 and 1993

I never stayed for long periods in Sarajevo, the way some journalists did. I now regret that. It was expensive to stay at the Holiday Inn, but there were other ways that were relatively cheap. I sometimes flew into the city from Split on the UN's "Maybe Airlines," Hercs loaded with food and supplies for the beseiged city, or else I bummed a ride in overland from Vitez, where I had an apartment. It wasn't far from Sarajevo to Vitez, but the barriers in between were sometimes unpassable. Life in Sarajevo during the seige could be very frightening. Evil was in the air, so real you could smell it.

Normally I shot pictures with two Canon EOS-1 bodies. I carried a 20-35 zoom and an 80-200, and also a 50 1.4 lens. The Canons I kept loaded with Fuji Provia film. I also carried between one and three Leicas, all with tri-x, and with 21, 35, or 50mm lenses. The black and white here is generally shot in a Leica, although some black and white images were converted from color if I thought the image looked better simplified.
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This bus is temporarily out of service
"This bus is temporarily out of service"
Waiting out the seige
Waiting out the seige
Mother and daughter
Mother and daughter
Princip's Bridge
Princip's Bridge
Children's ward, Kosevo Hospital
Children's ward, Kosevo Hospital
Kids' long-term care ward
Kids' long-term care ward
We're real bakers again
"We're real bakers again"
Accurate artillery
Accurate artillery
The UN at the Airport
The UN at the Airport
Water carriers
Water carriers
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