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John Vass | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Backyard > Truck Rescue
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Truck Rescue

My neighbor Sue’s rarely used truck needs some love…
“Start and Use” therapy is what it needs and what I hope to give it.
It started and got moved out back!
So far, so good!
Now it needs a bath and a long drive.

1/100s f/3.5 at 3.7mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Gary Winters10-Apr-2017 17:33
Vroom, vroom! Good luck with the rehab!
globalgadabout10-Apr-2017 05:06
this looks like a potential powerhouse if you can get it fired up...such an engaging image..
1moremile09-Apr-2017 23:58
I agree. Just how old is that truck?
Nice of you to help her out like this. V.
Walter Otto Koenig09-Apr-2017 18:41
Nice treatments for this and I like it with the hood open. "V"