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life in berkeley

some dishes I cooked
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the 1st impression of berkeley
:: the 1st impression of berkeley ::
san francisco gay pride 2005(unfinished)
:: san francisco gay pride 2005(unfinished) ::
BBQ at Steve's house on July 30th
:: BBQ at Steve's house on July 30th ::
san francisco gay pride 2005 part2
:: san francisco gay pride 2005 part2 ::
durant place
:: durant place ::
UC Berkeley CSSA Moon Festival Party
:: UC Berkeley CSSA Moon Festival Party ::
A UC student concert next door:)
:: A UC student concert next door:) ::
the teapot for Liliana
:: the teapot for Liliana ::
San Francisco Halloween in the Castro(part 1)
:: San Francisco Halloween in the Castro(part 1) ::
San Francisco Halloween in the Castro(part 2)
:: San Francisco Halloween in the Castro(part 2) ::
Farewell party for Liliana
:: Farewell party for Liliana ::
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