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Yvonne | all galleries >> R O S E S >> An explosion of colour in our spring/summer garden - 2012 > Rosa ALBA Maxima
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Rosa ALBA Maxima

This ancient rose has a few other names, e.g., 'Great Double White', "The Jacobite Rose', 'Cheshire Rose'
and dates from pre-1500.
The shape of this rose can be found in some early architecture (rose windows & adornments), not quite so obvious in this example.
My rose is on its way out, I'm just keeping it going because
I'm not sure I can get a replacement. The understock that my clone is grafted onto is taking over.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II ,Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8
1/320s f/14.0 at 90.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Sheila16-Nov-2012 22:34
The lighting suits this old rose so well. A very beautiful image.
Stephanie16-Nov-2012 18:17
Oh wow!!!! This is absolutely gorgeous Von! BV+++
Ceya16-Nov-2012 18:12
Charming work, Yvonne! V
Martin Lamoon16-Nov-2012 17:23
Wonderful light falling on the rose. v
J. Scott Coile16-Nov-2012 17:12
Maxima indeed!
marie-jose wolff16-Nov-2012 10:42
wonderful white petals! V
Bill Robinson16-Nov-2012 09:40
Interesting story and flower Von.
Chris16-Nov-2012 06:26
The Cheshire Rose sounds perfect for me - so many memories!
joseantonio16-Nov-2012 04:58
I love the name of White Double White...V.
Guest 16-Nov-2012 02:53
Beautiful work! V.
Coleen Perilloux Landry16-Nov-2012 01:44
Absolutely magnificent. Looks like a wedding gown. My father grew these and this photo is nostalgia for me. The Corps of Engineers destroyed all of his gardens when they bulldeozed the house in 1973.
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