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Wagah Border, Punjab

Once you come to Amritsar to visit the Golden Temple, there is no turning back without
visiting Wagah Border. Everyone at the Hotel desk, the restaurants, the people you meet,
will tell you it is a must see. Wagah is only 32 kilometers from Amritsar and there are
lots of tourist cars that will take you there.

Wagah is the border checkpost between India and Pakistan. It is maintained by the Border
Security Force (BSF) and it is their responsibility to man the Indian borders, especially
in peace time. Every evening as the sun sets, the officers on either side ceremoniously
lower the respective flags. This is the Retreat ceremony and visitors are allowed at this
time into the complex to witness the event.

Yet, despite all the publicity and the interest shown by others in sending you there, I have
to add my words of caution. Do not expect to see the Indian BSF in full form, with their
artillery and weapons on display. Do not expect to see camaraderie between the troops on
either side or even any mature display of patriotism. What you will get is near death, by the
thronging crowd of nearly 10000, a seat in the back of the stands, an unruly crowd without any
civic concern for other visitors and a very juvenile display of fun. Visitors will scream
national slogans merely to incite the other side rather than with any true sense of belonging.

If you must go, go with minimum expectations, and preferably, contact the administrative office
and get a VIP pass so you can avoid the hassle of waiting in the unjust, ill-managed queues.
Otherwise, you are better off spending your time in the serenity of the Golden temple in Amritsar.
Indian Flag, Wagah Border, Punjab
Indian Flag, Wagah Border, Punjab
The world's largest democracy, Wagah Border, Punjab
The world's largest democracy, Wagah Border, Punjab
The main entrance to India, Wagah Border, Punjab
The main entrance to India, Wagah Border, Punjab
BSF men on Horses, Wagah Border, Punjab
BSF men on Horses, Wagah Border, Punjab
BSF, Wagah Border, Punjab
BSF, Wagah Border, Punjab
BSF, Wagah Border
BSF, Wagah Border
The colorful Headgear, BSF, Wagah Border, Punjab
The colorful Headgear, BSF, Wagah Border, Punjab
BSF, Wagah Border, Punjab
BSF, Wagah Border, Punjab
BSF, Wagah Border, Punjab
BSF, Wagah Border, Punjab
With the Pakistani border force, Wagah Border, Punjab
With the Pakistani border force, Wagah Border, Punjab
Pakistan and Indian soldier, Wagah Border, Punjab
Pakistan and Indian soldier, Wagah Border, Punjab
The call for the retreat, Wagah Border, Punjab
The call for the retreat, Wagah Border, Punjab
Pakistan and India, Wagah Border, Punjab
Pakistan and India, Wagah Border, Punjab
As the flag is lowered, Wagah Border, Punjab
As the flag is lowered, Wagah Border, Punjab
Flag lowered, Wagah Border, Punjab
Flag lowered, Wagah Border, Punjab