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Danny Yanai | profile | all galleries >> Baby Sivan fighting for life >> 6 Months to 1 year Old tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birth to 5 months old | 5 to 6 Months old | 6 Months to 1 year Old | 1 to 1.5 years old | 1.5 to 2 years birthday | Two to two & a half years old | Two & a half years old till end of 2008 | January 2009 - Leukemia Relapsed | Sivan 3 years old | In Hadassah hospital, prior to Bone Marrow Translantation | Sivan during and after BMT | Posts updating on Sivan after BMT | Sivan's recovery July-Aug 2009 | Last weeks of Sivan's life, in hospital

6 Months to 1 year Old

Baby Sivan pictures from 6 month old to 1 year birthday.

Note: The easiest way to watch this gallery is to click on the word "Slideshow" at the up right side. Still, some pictures are accompanied with captions about Sivan condition, so this can't be read when in slideshow.
Sivan's 1'st tooth
Sivan's 1'st tooth