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Ken Leonard | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Getty Family Day Nov. 10, 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Getty Family Day Nov. 10, 2007

Note: A very impressive new extensive exibit is on display right now at the Getty. Medieval Treasures from the Cleveland Museum of Art. I was able to view and very much enjoy it but it is Getty Policy not to allow any photography of visiting exhibits (not owned by the Getty). I took a few photos of the banners advertising the exhibit but no photos inside.

Fortunately the Getty has photos of many of the pieces at it's website here:

These photos were taken at the 4th and final Getty Family Day Festival on Saturday Nov. 10, 2007.
These are the JPEG versions of the shots I took. Later I will put up the superior processed from RAW images.

More about the Getty Family Festival here:

Photos of three different groups of Performers and more.

The 3 performing groups depicted here are:

Will & Company performing Don Quixote

Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group

Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble

All photos drastically downsized and optimized for online viewing only. Printing is strictly prohibited.
All photos Copyright 2007 Ken Leonard all rights reserved. These photos not for sale as the Getty Trust retains certain rights to them as well.

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Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Will & Company performing Don Quixote
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance groupe
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance groupe
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Guild of St. George, Elizabethan living history performance group
Travertine stone
Travertine stone
g3/26/12626/3/88750645.nHIk7iar.jpg g3/26/12626/3/88750647.6YP8O6Gx.jpg Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
Musicantica, Italian folk music ensemble
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Farmers Market
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