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Sam X | all galleries >> Galleries >> Picture A Day...... Almost every day...... > wolfs at play
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wolfs at play

...from a trip to a Brookfield zoo

Nikon D200
1/25s f/6.3 at 70.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Nancy Good03-Feb-2010 03:03
Hope you feel better soon. Great shot of wolf action.
Timothy Guenther03-Feb-2010 01:47
They are always sleeping when I go to the zoo. Nice catch!
carol j. phipps03-Feb-2010 01:18
Barbara Heide02-Feb-2010 22:45
nice fellows! best wishes for you!
Carl and Racine Erland02-Feb-2010 19:05
Looks like these guys are really on the move! Hope you get to felling better soon. - Racine
Marielou Dhumez02-Feb-2010 14:45
Sorry to hear you do not feel good. Hope all will be well soon;
Your wolfs are fantastic !
Stephanie02-Feb-2010 12:34
You sure caught their running here! Feel better Sam!
Cindi Smith02-Feb-2010 12:34
Hope you feel better soon. What a great capture!
Guest 02-Feb-2010 12:29
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Sam and hope you get better soon. Nice shot! A lot of movement there!!
Dennis Warren02-Feb-2010 12:07
Nice action shot. Was the movement increased by you running away, too? Sorry your not feeling well.
Bernard Davis02-Feb-2010 10:15
Lots of movemnt in this. Never seen wolves, but this gives a great impression of them.
Get well soon.
Maaike Huizer02-Feb-2010 08:41
Available Light Images02-Feb-2010 06:56
hope you feel better soon, this is pretty good from bed :-)
LynnH02-Feb-2010 03:15
Very nice work, Sam! V
Laryl23-Oct-2009 15:20
LynnH22-Oct-2009 11:22
Nice speedy shot!
Linda Willets22-Oct-2009 04:12
shows speed
Cindi Smith22-Oct-2009 01:56
Wow, this is nice
Greg Harp03-Mar-2006 05:49
Nice! Terrific Ernst Haas style image.
Char03-Mar-2006 04:39
Super shot! I like how you caught the motion instead of stop action.