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William Vogt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Adobe Photoshop Retouching 2006 > Make Your Image Pop
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Craig "Sully" Sullivan

Make Your Image Pop

Adjust your image for Levels and Curves in separate adjustment layers.
Background layer copy, then boost Hue/Sat up to +25 (saturation), then apply the Median filter at 6 pixels, followed by Gaussian Blur at 4 pixels.
Change blend mode on this layer to color, and reduce opacity to 80% or to your liking.

Run Paint With Light action
On top Paint Shadow layer, paint entire image with a soft black brush in Normal mode at a brush opacity of 9%.
On Paint Light layer, paint entire image with a soft white brush in Normal mode at a brush opacity of 5 or 6%. I did this 3 times.
The Paint Light layer was then reduced to an opacity of 70%

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Vilone18-Jan-2006 00:48
This is beautiful!
Guest 27-Oct-2005 20:27

Thank you for a terrific processing technique! It gives spectacular results and you explain it so thoroughly and easily which I appreciate.

G.Pietro Munaretto24-Aug-2005 18:58
rbfresno21-Jul-2005 17:40

I really like the final result! (Some day I'll learn to do this).