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Wong Tsu Shi | profile | all galleries >> Butterfly and caterpillar of Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia. >> PIERIDAE - Whites and Sulphurs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

HESPERIIDAE -Skippers | PAPILIONIDAE - Swallowtails | PIERIDAE - Whites and Sulphurs | NYMPHALIDAE - Brush-footed Butterflies | RIODINIDAE - Metalmarks | LYCAENIDAE - Blues, Coppers, Hairstreaks, Harvesters | Caterpillars in the wild

PIERIDAE - Whites and Sulphurs

Photographed Species

Scientific Name

Common Name


(Appias cardena)Yellow PuffinImage
(Appias libythea)Striped AlbatrossImage
(Appias lyncida)Chocolate AlbatrossImage
(Catopsilia pomona)Lemon EmigrantImage
(Catopsilia pyranthe)Mottled EmigrantImage
(Cepora Judith)Orange GullImage
(Delias hyparete metarete)Painted Jezebel caterpillarImage
(Eurema blanda)Three-Spot Grass YellowImage
(Eurema hecabe)Common Grass YellowImage
(Eurema sari)Chocolate Grass YellowImage
(Hebomoia glaucippe borneensis)?Image
(Leptosia nina malayana)PsycheImage
(Pareronia valeria)Malayan WandererImage

Amateurish identification by me, will appreciate all input on ID correction.

(Appias cardena) Yellow Puffin
(Appias cardena)
Yellow Puffin
(Appias libythea) Striped Albatross ♀
(Appias libythea)
Striped Albatross ♀
(Appias libythea) Striped Albatross ♀
(Appias libythea)
Striped Albatross ♀
(Appias lyncida)Chocolate Albatross
(Appias lyncida)
Chocolate Albatross
(Catopsilia pomona) Lemon Emigrant
(Catopsilia pomona)
Lemon Emigrant
(Catopsilia pyranthe) Mottled Emigrant
(Catopsilia pyranthe)
Mottled Emigrant
(Cepora Judith) Orange Gull
(Cepora Judith)
Orange Gull
(Delias hyparete metarete)Painted Jezebel caterpillar
(Delias hyparete metarete)
Painted Jezebel caterpillar
(Delias hyparete metarete)Painted Jezebel caterpillar
(Delias hyparete metarete)
Painted Jezebel caterpillar
(Eurema blanda) Three-spot Grass Yellow
(Eurema blanda)
Three-spot Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)
Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)
Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)
Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema sari) Chocolate Grass Yellow
(Eurema sari)
Chocolate Grass Yellow
(Hebomoia glaucippe borneensis)
(Hebomoia glaucippe borneensis)
(Hebomoia glaucippe borneensis)
(Hebomoia glaucippe borneensis)
(Leptosia nina malayana)  Psyche
(Leptosia nina malayana)
(Leptosia nina malayana)  Psyche
(Leptosia nina malayana)
(Pareronia valeria) Malayan Wanderer
(Pareronia valeria)
Malayan Wanderer