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I think the scene comes first, an idea of a character in a place. It's visual, it's Technicolor--something I see in a vague way. Then sentence by sentence into the breach. No outlines--maybe a short list of items, chronological, that may represent the next twenty pages. But the basic work is built around the sentence. This is what I mean when I call myself a writer. I construct sentences. There's a rhythm I hear that drives me through a sentence. And the words typed on the white page have a sculptural quality. They form odd correspondences. They match up not just through meaning but through sound and look. The rhythm of a sentence will accommodate a certain number of syllables. One syllable too many, I look for another word. There's always another word that means nearly the same thing, and if it doesn't then I'll consider altering the meaning of a sentence to keep the rhythm, the syllable beat. I'm completely willing to let language press meaning upon me. Watching the way in which words match up, keeping the balance in a sentence--these are sensuous pleasures. I might want very and only in the same sentence, spaced in a particular way, exactly so far apart. I might want rapture matched with danger--I like to match word endings. I type rather than write longhand because I like the way words and letters look when they come off the hammers onto the page--finished, printed, beautifully formed. - Don DeLillo
:: beer_making ::
Jackie and Jeff's wedding, Key West, Palm Beach Retro and the Everglades
:: Jackie and Jeff's wedding, Key West, Palm Beach Retro and the Everglades ::
Zurich and Israel - Noam and Hagits Wedding and more
:: Zurich and Israel - Noam and Hagits Wedding and more ::
Honeymoon 2009
:: Honeymoon 2009 ::
Robyn and Frank's Wedding - June 2009
:: Robyn and Frank's Wedding - June 2009 ::
The Bay Area crew descends on Seattle - April 2009
:: The Bay Area crew descends on Seattle - April 2009 ::
:: hunting ::
Christmas & New Years 2008
:: Christmas & New Years 2008 ::
 Thanksgiving in Seattle 2008 with the Eplers/Glocks
::  Thanksgiving in Seattle 2008 with the Eplers/Glocks ::
Car Camping at Pinnacles, November 2008
:: Car Camping at Pinnacles, November 2008 ::
John and Jessi's Wedding: Tennessee - January 2009
:: John and Jessi's Wedding: Tennessee - January 2009 ::
:: butchery ::
:: noise ::
Mel and Tiny's Wedding, July 12th, 2008
:: Mel and Tiny's Wedding, July 12th, 2008 ::
Vegas, June 2008
:: Vegas, June 2008 ::
Dad and Francie Visit SF - June 2008
:: Dad and Francie Visit SF - June 2008 ::
HenchFest 2008!
:: HenchFest 2008! ::
Pee Wee Golf and Zoe's BBQ Party
:: Pee Wee Golf and Zoe's BBQ Party ::
Last Dinner Party with the Original 705 crew
:: Last Dinner Party with the Original 705 crew ::
North Carolina, May 2008
:: North Carolina, May 2008 ::
Touristing In Atlanta, April 2008
:: Touristing In Atlanta, April 2008 ::
Christmas 2007 with the Eplers and the Glocks
:: Christmas 2007 with the Eplers and the Glocks ::
Oktoberfest plus plus - Berlin, Munich, Prague, Sedlec and London - 2007
:: Oktoberfest plus plus - Berlin, Munich, Prague, Sedlec and London - 2007 ::
New York Fucking City - Chelsea Kids - August 2007
:: New York Fucking City - Chelsea Kids - August 2007 ::
Guerilla Anniversary Trip to London - Memorial Day 2007
:: Guerilla Anniversary Trip to London - Memorial Day 2007 ::
Seattle - May 2007
:: Seattle - May 2007 ::
Pete and Erin's Wedding - April 2007
:: Pete and Erin's Wedding - April 2007 ::
Bowling and Oscar Party - April 2007
:: Bowling and Oscar Party - April 2007 ::
Pillow Fight Club! and Valentines Day - 2007
:: Pillow Fight Club! and Valentines Day - 2007 ::
Cabo San Lucas and Cabo Pulmo, Christmas, etc, 2006
:: Cabo San Lucas and Cabo Pulmo, Christmas, etc, 2006 ::
Aude's Birthday Party at the Cigar Bar
:: Aude's Birthday Party at the Cigar Bar ::
Turkey Day In Hollywood - 2006
:: Turkey Day In Hollywood - 2006 ::
Jennif and Stephanie's Birthday Party
:: Jennif and Stephanie's Birthday Party ::
Cara and Chris' Wedding, Walden Pond and Cambridge - July 2006
:: Cara and Chris' Wedding, Walden Pond and Cambridge - July 2006 ::
Scaramousch, scaramousch - Vienna and Prague - 2006
:: Scaramousch, scaramousch - Vienna and Prague - 2006 ::
Cheeses Of France
:: Cheeses Of France ::
Camping In Oregon - 2005
:: Camping In Oregon - 2005 ::
Meeting Jennif In Seattle - August 2005
:: Meeting Jennif In Seattle - August 2005 ::
Slug and Emily get Married. - July 2005
:: Slug and Emily get Married. - July 2005 ::
I spent 28 hours in New York to see an art show - May 2005
:: I spent 28 hours in New York to see an art show - May 2005 ::
Easter Barbeque
:: Easter Barbeque ::
Olivier's Going Away Party
:: Olivier's Going Away Party ::
Pics of Karine before she left
:: Pics of Karine before she left ::
David's Birthday Party
:: David's Birthday Party ::
Our time in France - November 2004
:: Our time in France - November 2004 ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::
tribe pics
:: tribe pics ::
New York, my room, the coast with Kathy.
:: New York, my room, the coast with Kathy. ::
Manhattan/Roosevelt Island - 4th of July Weekend, 2004
:: Manhattan/Roosevelt Island - 4th of July Weekend, 2004 ::
:: mountains ::
Going Away Dinner for Pat and Maya
:: Going Away Dinner for Pat and Maya ::
:: kayaking ::
And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry St
:: And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry St ::
Ocean Beach Party and Climbing at Summit  Rock
:: Ocean Beach Party and Climbing at Summit Rock ::
Pics from Coachella Festival, 2004
:: Pics from Coachella Festival, 2004 ::
Michael and Linda's Super Elvis Vegas Wedding - April 2004
:: Michael and Linda's Super Elvis Vegas Wedding - April 2004 ::
Various pictures of San Francisco
:: Various pictures of San Francisco ::
New York Fucking City - April 2003
:: New York Fucking City - April 2003 ::
Protesting The Iraq War 2/Carlyle Group SF - March 20 2003
:: Protesting The Iraq War 2/Carlyle Group SF - March 20 2003 ::