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Paul Caudill | profile | all galleries >> WashU - Spring Semester of 2004 >> Chinese New Year Festival 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Chinese New Year Festival 2004

February 7 and 8, 2004

Now that it's over with, words really can't express how much fun I had with this production. We were all scared silly the day of the first show, but much to our surprise everything came together beautifully.

Austin, Felix, Bertina, Hubert, Kyle - it was truly a pleasure getting to know you guys. Hope to work with you on another CNYF sometime real soon!

Julie, Gloria - a damn shame this was our first and last year working together. Well done, both of ya.
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Gloria runs the show
Gloria runs the show
The parasol dancers
The parasol dancers
Sleeve dancers
Sleeve dancers
Julie is the Goddess of Mercy
Julie is the Goddess of Mercy
u40/wisefrog/medium/25894786.25891802.IMG_3415.jpg Bertina Kicks High
Bertina Kicks High
Felix the mack
Felix the mack
David Lee Makes Me Laugh
David Lee Makes Me Laugh
Pigsy and Mr. Wong
Pigsy and Mr. Wong
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