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Linda Alley | profile | all galleries >> Butterflies/Moths >> Moths tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


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black witch moth female
black witch moth female
black witch male
black witch male
lophocampa  annulosa
lophocampa annulosa
nemoria mimosaria
nemoria mimosaria
half wing
half wing
alfalfa looper
alfalfa looper
white-tipped black
white-tipped black
black witch and others on banana bait
black witch and others on banana bait
rustic sphinx
rustic sphinx
rustic sphinx
rustic sphinx
Bulia deducta/similaris
Bulia deducta/similaris
carolina sphinx
carolina sphinx
elaphria chalcedonia
elaphria chalcedonia
carolina sphinx
carolina sphinx
Anicla infecta - Green Cutworm Moth
Anicla infecta - Green Cutworm Moth
herpetogramma thestealis
herpetogramma thestealis
zale moth
zale moth
anicla infecta
anicla infecta
Smooth Amphipyra question
Smooth Amphipyra question
Marasmia Moth
Marasmia Moth
woolly bear with eggs
woolly bear with eggs
mocis texana question
mocis texana question
tersa sphinx
tersa sphinx
tersa sphinx
tersa sphinx
black witch female
black witch female
black witch close
black witch close
black witch
black witch
Ozarba catilina
Ozarba catilina
Mocis disseverans
Mocis disseverans
velvetbean caterpillar moth
velvetbean caterpillar moth
Lineodes integra
Lineodes integra
Melipotis indomita - Hodges # 8600 male
Melipotis indomita - Hodges # 8600 male
european corn borer question
european corn borer question
Hypocala andremona - Hodges # 8642
Hypocala andremona - Hodges # 8642
Magusa divaricata
Magusa divaricata
Ommatospila narcaeusalis - Hodges # 5294
Ommatospila narcaeusalis - Hodges # 5294
Hypocala andremona
Hypocala andremona
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