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Patricia Lay-Dorsey | all galleries >> festivals & fairs >> Michigan Womyn's Music Festival 2007 > our littlest femme
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our littlest femme

Canon EOS 350D
1/160s f/3.5 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

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Guest 13-Dec-2008 00:17
Patricia; This one is absolutely adorable....she reminds me of a little cherub, and mom is so happy. Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Love, hugs and blessings, Celeste
woodswoman10-Feb-2008 02:49
Sweet mother and baby portrait.
Guest 23-Aug-2007 03:38
I love this shot! The color and the way the sun back lights the mother is beautiful. My only suggestion... The title of this pic is "our littlest femme" however the baby is not in focus. So the viewer will immediately look at the mother first and then pan down to the baby later. I do however love the way her dress falls off her shoulder, very sweet and vulnerable. Still a great shot.
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